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HUAWEI-Domaniewska (room: 6A-01)

You can find us in (Visitor’s Room (6A))

15 minHuawei, ul. Domaniewska, (Visitor’s Room (6A))

Opis usługi

Massage in the office, the so-called Work Site - has been created for people performing sedentary work. Recommended especially for office workers who are exposed to overloading and pain in the spine. The form of massage is fully adapted to the office conditions. The masseur focuses his attention on the most exposed segments of the body at work causing the reduction of fatigue and muscle tension.

Zasady rezygnacji

[PL] SAMODZIELNE ODWOŁANIE REZERWACJI: 1. Skopiuj link do okna przeglądarki: 2. Zarejestruj się/ zaloguj się (email jak podczas rezerwacji usługi) 3. Wybierz usługę którą chcesz odwołać, kliknij "odwołaj" [EN] SELF-CANCELLATION: 1. Copy the link to your browser window: 2. register/log in (email as when booking a service) 3. select the service you want to cancel, click "cancel"

Dane kontaktowe

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